
make your “someday” today

Client Testimonial’s

  • “Dana helped me feel more confident in the gym. Not only did I see improvement within myself, Dana’s enthusiasm in the gym made me want to train with her”

    Ana O.

  • “Dana has been so supportive and helpful throughout this journey. I had the experience to have her help through online coaching and I’m so thankful. I’m glad I had that accountability and support. Since having my baby I was able to gain more confidence with myself and working out.”

    Victoria T.

  • “Dana has been so helpful when it comes to my health and wellness journey. I have been so insecure about my body, I get overwhelmed with the idea of trying to figure out a healthy meal plan and bouncing it with my busy work schedule and life schedule. Dana breaks it down for me and makes sure that I’m consistent in every way. It has been such a huge stress reliever to have someone in your corner that knows what they’re doing and can guide you in the correct way. I feel a sense of pride, she is one of the best personal trainers I’ve ever had.”

    Angelika W.

  • “Dana has made the start of my fitness journey so comfortable! I feel confident and I feel like I am in an environment where I can grow. I’ve already gained confidence and can feel myself getting stronger! I am excited to keep training and learning from her.”

    Ryan K.

  • “ Never realized how large of a factor food was in a fitness journey. I came to Dana for nutritional advice the whole experience was pleasant. Dana’s advice and knowledge really has helped me with understanding macros and the importance of food.”

    Yonah Y.

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